If we have a mobile phone number on system for you, you will receive a text message asking you to complete your medical assessment.
To keep the amount of time you are in the practice to a minimum as per government guidelines, we ask that you click on the link and complete the actions. (SMARTPHONE Required).
You will be asked for you name and date of birth.
Android users, you need to click on the year to get a scrolling date for your year of birth.
There are 3 forms attached:
Consent to dental treatment, please read and then using your phone sign.
Covid 19 advice sheet - details of attending the practice for your appointment.
Medical - A Yes/No, provide detail form to complete.
Images taken by CTL Dental via screenshot Copyright-free
If you do not have a smartphone, please contact the practice within 14 days but at least 2 days prior to your appointment to complete these details by phone.