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  • Hollie Young

Updated Fee's

Updated: Jul 7, 2023

As most of you are all aware the cost of everything is on the rise, or more commonly known as the 'cost of living crisis'.

Due to the increased price on all dental supplies, utilities such as gas,water and electric for the building and a most recent staff wage increase in April. We have come to a not so easy decision to increase the prices of our dental plans slightly. While raising the prices of the plans we are still working as hard as usual to provide an amazing service to our valued patients.

Please see the above for our updated price list. As you can see from the above the cheapest plan that we have to offer is less than £10, if we divide that by 30 (roughly a month) it works out to be around 30p. So for 30p a day you can get our out of hours emergency cover, accidental injury cover, routine exams covered, x-rays, standard cleans and a 20% discount on all treatment that may be required. For 30p a day that works out cheaper than a paper or a cup of coffee per day!!

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