Who's ready for a Pupdate on Douglas? Since our introduction to Douglas, he's been busy learning loads of new things - and growing! (But still remaining absolutely adorable!)
Caroline - Douglas' Puppy Raiser - says that Douglas makes everyone he meets smile, and whilst "he's a mischievous pup, he's very smart. Douglas still likes to observe the world and quietly watch; he's an inquisitive pup. He's an energetic young Labrador and very affectionate!"
Harry - Carolines 11 year old labrador - and Douglas' bond is strengthening too - even though Douglas realises Harry might not be able to play as much as himself, he respects his age, and loves to cuddle up with him and snooze together. Douglas also helps Harry feel brave when going to the Vets! How adorable is that? He sounds like such a gentleman! (Or should that be Gentledog?)
As well as his big brother Harry, Douglas has made another best friend - Yellow Labrador Winston and they meet up regularly and go for free runs. Whilst Douglas is currently working on his recall and dog distraction, he's shadowing Winston as his recall is amazing. "We bring Winston along when introducing Douglas to busier free run areas, like parks". As Douglas loves to learn, he's maintining cues such as 'sit' and 'down' for a duration of time, or in busier environments to help improve his self-control. Caroline also says "I've started to introduce him to the cue 'under'. I sit on a seat, and Douglas goes under my legs and lies down. This will be helpful in his potential future role if an owner needs to travel on a busy bus or train where there isn't much space - it will keep Douglas both safe and out of the way".
Caroline and Douglas have been visiting loads of new places to help introduce him to new environments and experience, and because he's such an inquisitive boy - he's coping very well. They've been to places such as supermarkets, cafes, restaurants, garden centres and even hospitals! He's certainly a busy boy! He'll be visiting many more places in the future, and working on improving his training, and we'll be hearing more about how he's getting on in the next pupdate - October.

Keep up to date with Douglas' training by following the link: guidedogs.org.uk/puppy-douglas
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For now that's all to tell you about his training - but keep your eyes peeled for the next Pupdate in October!